Reasearching is the homework we do before a MUN. This is extremely vital because it forms the base of your MUN speech. By researching in detail about your agenda, we will be able to substanciate our points with suffecient amount of evidence and facts. We will also be able to criticise other delegates in the commitee. If we need that BEST DELEGATE PRIZE, our research needs to have a very strong base. During the conference we can make our speeches and deliver them during our turn.

The below hyperlink when clicked will lead you to a GOOGLE DOC page and a template will be shown on your screen. This template is the template that I use when researching. 

Towards the end of the template you will find something called FFC (facts for criticising). These are facts that we as delegates use for criticising other delegates, so it will only contain facts and information about other countries. But knowing facts, news, information, etc about your country is the most important.

This leads us to the next topic TECHNIQUE OF MUNNING Part.4. (POINTS)


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