TECHNIQUE OF MUNNING Part.2. (Being active during conference)

During a MUN conference it is very important to be active and participate in GSL's, moderated Caucuses and unmods. If we don't contribute there are other delegates who take this chance. We should be extremely vigilant when others are putting their points forward in front of the other delegates. It is essential to raise points after the other delegates have made their speeches. If we want to criticise them, we can raise point of order and we can quote one or more lines from their speech and we can prove them wrong if our points have a good basement structure. If we have any doubts with the information in their speech, we can raise a point of information (POI). To raise these points being vigilant and concentrating in the conference is very important. By concentrating, the first timers will be able to develop confidence and can overcome their stage fear.

Even for me the latest MUN I attended had around 35-40 other delegates in the conference. The first speech I made was in the GSL. Other delegates had some questions and I didn't approve POI's but  I was okay with chits coming to me. 10-15 delegates had written POI's on chits and they sent it via the EB to me. I read them was able to answer them because of my quality research. They were attentive during my speech, and definitely there will be loop holes in other's speeches and criticising using these loop holes is mandatory.

This leads us to the next topic TECHNIQUE OF MUNNING Part.3. (RESEARCH)


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